The Sum of All Parts: Can You Hear Me Now?

Ahh....good old nostalgia...(click to watch the video above if you have not yet already.)

Over the past few weeks, we’ve discussed a lot regarding the general practice of convergence journalism while learning more about the ways in which people consume news and media. In the fight for attention and audience supremacy, social media reigns king and has made a huge contribution towards the shift in consumption through both communication and engagement. Sites such as Facebook and Twitter have played a significant role in connectivity by allowing users to share updates instantaneously via text, photo, or video. In addition to social media, websites such as Buzzfeed have developed listicles (articles turned into lists) that ensure audiences are viewing only the most important content that applies to what they are interested in. Smartphones allow users to tie all of these things into one central and portable location, so there’s never a chance to miss anything important or imperative.
The power of digital media and advertising speaks volumes in regards to today's marketing practices.

With so many methods to stay seamlessly connected it’s become critical for media organizations to stay up on the times by ensuring that they practice convergence journalism or “providing news to people when, where and how they want it using any and all communication tools available to meet those expectations,” (Kolodzy, 2012). By engaging and interacting on social media we are all able to connect in one area to share our thoughts and opinions on subject matter with those the world over. By checking out listicles and short videos or content through mobile applications, people can stay informed of events that are happening real-time regardless of location. With so many ways to currently connect it’s going to be interesting to see how technologies continue to evolve as time continues to pass.

So to be cheesy and corny…in the words of the Verizon turned Sprint spokesman….can you hear me now...?

Kolodzy, J. (2012). Practicing Convergence Journalism. [MBS Direct]. Retrieved from


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