What’s All This Talk About Convergence Journalism?

Technology is changing fast - it's up to us to keep up.

Welcome to 2017: Donald Trump is President of the United States, NFL players are kneeling or sitting during pre-game National Anthem performance, natural disasters are wreaking havoc throughout the world, and social media essentially dominates the way we communicate and connect with one another. What a time to be alive.

I digress…well…maybe.

While each of the current events above have shaken up culture in various ways from everyone’s personal point of view, the one common denominator between them all is engagement and connectivity. Take a moment and think about it…think about your daily routine and how you consume and engage with information. Is it a radio broadcast on your way to work during the morning commute? Is it a highlight reel of a game from yesterday’s big football extravaganza? Is it a poll that’s shared through your local news organization’s Facebook page on a locally trending topic? Is it something else entirely? Regardless of the activity, each of us are connected by way of developments in new media and communication technologies which goes together with a new type of practice known as convergence journalism.

 THE MILLION DOLLAR QUESTION: So what is convergence journalism anyway and what is so significant about it?

For those like me who have an interest in pursuing a career in marketing and/or communications, convergence journalism is something that will need to be both acknowledged and understood…and fast. Convergence journalism is the practice of “providing news to people when, where and how they want it using any and all communication tools available,” (Kolodzy, 2012). To make this happen journalists and communication professionals alike must understand the ever-changing media landscape while utilizing the best practices of journalism to provide news that is relevant and applicable to various audiences. From social media and the Internet to mobile applications, radio, or television – each communication channel has its own significant nuances that provides a chance for journalists to put together interactive and engaging content to captivate audiences everywhere.

By combining both traditional journalism practices with the abilities/reach of new media-based resources, journalists and communications folks alike have a significant opportunity to reach audiences in more meaningful ways than ever before. Over the next few weeks, we will take a deeper dive into the ins and outs of communication tools and trends. It’s going to be a fun ride – I look forward to taking you on this journey and can’t wait to see what we explore.

Kolodzy, J. (2012). Practicing Convergence Journalism. [MBS Direct]. Retrieved from


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