Social Media Suspect #1: Facebook,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/lerhtnwejopgb63yvs8m.jpg
Facebook provides individuals and communications professionals alike with a myriad of opportunities to connect and engage with one another.,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/lerhtnwejopgb63yvs8m.jpg

As one who is an active social media participant and enthusiast, I remember the time when the popularity shift of mySpace transitioned over to a new social media site called Facebook. But that’s beyond and beside the point. Facebook is now easily one of the top (if not the top) social media conglomerates of the present time. From up-to-the-second updates on both personal events and global happenings and direct engagement with media outlets and corporate organizations, Facebook has become engrained in our culture with users spending an average of 40 minutes per day on the site (Cohen, 2017). It’s so critical to have knowledge of, that it is deserving of its very own blog entry.   

Before we get too far ahead of ourselves, let’s start with a brief history of Facebook: What began in 2004 as an exclusive connection channel for college students has since grown to include the masses (over 1.2 billion users worldwide to be exact). Facebook Founder and CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, has sought to make the world around us more connected by providing an outlet in which seamless connectivity can take place with those the world over. While the basis of Facebook’s premise has always been consistent as far as living in an increasingly connected world, the way in which the platform has advanced over the last decade since its inception has opened new doors and opportunities for new communication strategies.

Facebook provides journalists and communications folks with an assortment of tools and opportunities to connect with users and the public in engaging ways. Whether it's a live video through Facebook Live's video function, a short video that is uploaded that encompasses lead quotes and images for extra detail, or a promotional image of a brand's products, each post provides organizations an opportunity to directly engage with users/followers where reactions and comments can be shared amongst one another for real-time interactivity.

Ultimately today’s communication practitioners need to feel comfortable harnessing the power and opportunities of Facebook (and other social media channels for that matter). There are many benefits such as ease of sharing news and communications, as well as opportunities to push targeted advertisements directly to consumers in the margins of their Facebook feeds. By taking advantage of this new media opportunity, both media outlets and everyday organizations alike will have a much greater reputation and presence within the global community.

Cohen, D. (2017, Mar 22). How Much Time Will the Average Person Spend on Social Media During Their Life? (Infographic). Retrieved September 30, 2017 from


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